About Me
Hey. I’m Veronica (you can call me Vee, everyone does). I was born in the age of high technology (home computers, cell phones, video games, cable, electronic devices, Internet, email, etc.).
At home, my father was “gadget” dad. Any new tech that came on the market, he brought home. He was a C-level executive for an international conglomerate. My mother came from more humble beginnings. She was born and raised on a farm. We lived in large cities, and yet she kept fruit trees in our backyards, grew her own (organic) herbs, and even some vegetables. Moreover, she also grew the most beautiful roses.
From my father I learned finance and technology. My mother taught me the now forgotten practices of cooking, baking, sewing, organic housekeeping, and organic gardening. From my grandmothers, I learned the lost arts of knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and organic homemade health and beauty remedies. I learned how to DIY just about anything.
Knowledge and education were of the utmost importance in our family. I grew up in a family of medical doctors. As a result, I was surrounded by science facts as well as medical knowledge. I came to the United States after graduating High School to attend University, and after graduating I decided to give up my dual citizenship and remain in the U.S. to live and work.

About Finding My Purpose
My whole life I had an overflowing recycling bin and a healthy diet (very little junk food and no fast food). I thought I lived in a healthy, sustainable way. For instance, I have never (not ever) owned fur. I always purchase consumer products that are made from natural raw materials. I maintain an organic, vegetarian diet and grow my own herbs, veggies, and fruit. And I almost always took my own bags to the shops.
I had always believed that plastic was recyclable. Most importantly, I thought all I really needed to do was to throw it in the bin. I came to learn that only 9% of all plastic actually gets recycled. Worse yet, almost all of it ends up in landfills, waterways, and ultimately, the ocean (yikes!).
It had never occurred to me just how large my own carbon footprint and environmental impact really were. I thought my responsibility ended with recycling and not being wasteful.
Gaining this knowledge was the impetus that drove me to create this blog. Living more sustainably, avoiding waste and kicking the plastic habit can be, for most people, a gargantuan and daunting task.
For this reason I offer in my blog posts tools, and valuable, fact-based and free, information that the average consumer can use to help them in their quest to begin living more sustainably. And unlike other websites, we do not use affiliate links, we respect our user’s privacy. To learn more about this, visit our terms of use.