Homemade Citrus Vinegar Cleaner

Citrus Fruits Photo credit: Ben Ashby on Unsplash

How to make your own homemade citrus vinegar cleaner. Here I’m sharing one of my homemade cleaning recipes that is sustainable, eco-friendly, and will even save you money. As always, due to their very nature, different people may react to this differently. So my advice is to first test the finished recipe on a small patch of skin on the outside of you arm. Wait a good 12-24 hours to ensure no allergic reaction.

I share this freely and encourage people to make use of it. If given a choice, why would anyone use harsh chemicals around their home? They’re bad for their health as well as the environment.

The instructions are simple: save the peels of any citrus fruits, place them in a airtight jar, fill jar with distilled white vinegar, place jar in cool, dark place for 3-4 weeks. Once the time has passed, the peels can be composted or used to deodorize your garbage disposal. Strain the liquid into a reusable bottle (spray or otherwise). Use as needed.

Below is a graphic I created to help you in making this multi-purpose cleaner. I’m a big fan of the “multi-tasker” product as they create less waste, use up fewer resources, and cost less. Only you know what works best for your lifestyle, needs, family, and budget. Homemade cleaning agents are cheap to make, once you have the basic ingredients. You can combine these to achieve different results.

Citrus Peel Vinegar Cleaner

Homemade Citrus Vinegar Cleaner Spray
Homemade Citrus Vinegar Cleaner Spray

For most of my life I’ve had upper respiratory medical conditions: asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergies, chemical sensitivities, and sinusitis. I’ve never been able to wear perfumes, hair products, nor any other commercially available products, or fabrics. Nor make use of scented laundry, dish, or cleaning products.

Instead, I’ve usually been left with no other choice but to make my own. So my entire adult life I’ve spent endless hours online, conducting research on natural alternatives. It’s taken a lot of trial and error to perfect all of my DIY cleaning, health, and beauty product recipes. Since I use only natural, organic ingredient compounds and as such, these can vary in potency, efficacy, results, etc.

I prefer reusable glass spray bottles. But rather than ditching all the plastic spray bottles you have (they’ll end up in the ocean, rivers, beaches, and lakes). Why not just wait until the product in them is used up, then clean and refill with your own DIY. Continue reusing them until you can’t anymore, then replace them with reusable glass ones.

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