What is Precycling?

Practice Consumerism but Reduce Waste 
Photo credit: Mediensturmer on Unsplash

Precycling is the practice of consuming, while keeping waste reduction in mind. In other words, it takes into account the amount of waste a product will produce before purchasing and choosing the product with the smaller impact. Think of it as preventative medicine for landfills.

Let’s consider precycling and recycling a “go green” must do. It’s more than throwing your plastic bottles in a bin. It’s as much about what you don’t do, as what you do.

With both practices, you can dramatically reduce the amount of trash you bring into your home or throw away. Years ago, when I began my journey to creating a plastic free and zero waste household for a family of four; I stopped purchasing plastic items and began purchasing local consumer items made from sustainable materials. If I could not find them, I made them myself.

Going Zero Waste

I purchased compost bins for the kitchen and bathrooms. I set up a “recyclables” collection box in the kitchen and gave specific instructions to family members as what and how items should go in it. Since not all curbside recycling programs accept all types of recycling items, I signed up online for (free) recycling “take back” programs.

I searched online for the proper disposal methods and locations of certain “exception” recycling items, e.g.: batteries, electronics, medical waste, etc. And set up and labeled collection boxes for said items accordingly to be picked up by (free) appointment only request.

And lastly, I searched online for locations that had “drop off” programs and would take any consumer items left over that did not fit into any of the above categories. I used and reused any plastic consumer items until they literally fell apart, broke or leaked and then replaced them with durable well-manufactured items made from sustainable materials.

Going Plastic Free

This process took years, and I still have not rid my household of all its plastic. Yikes! There’s nothing quite like embarking on a plastic free journey to illuminate the insidiousness and pervasiveness of this toxic material in the everyday lives of all modern day Americans.

When all was said and done, most “waste” household items fell into either recycling or compost with only a miniscule amount going into the bin (I came to nickname it the “Black Bin of Death and Destruction.” With this effort I decreased the total amount of waste in our home by 90%, going from four bags of trash a week to one average size kitchen bag. 

This would be especially important for people who pay for garbage disposal service by the pound. Sure, I pay for the recycling service, but they also pick up my compost for free because technically it is a “donation,” and I am now paying less for the garbage service because I am generating less of that waste.

“Statistics: Approx. 250,000 single-use plastic water bottles are thrown out every hour.”

Some examples of precycling actions or choices:

  • Buying in bulk to reduce packaging.
  • Purchasing things with little to no packaging (such as buying second hand, solid bar health & beauty items).
  • Only purchasing that which you are sure your local recycling facility accepts (for instance, our facility will reject any plastics numbered 3–7, so I try to avoid those whenever possible).
  • Choosing quality items that will have a longer life span (rather than something inexpensive yet poorly made that will quickly need replacing).
  • Supporting companies who print on or package in recycled materials.
  • Choosing reusable over disposable items.
  • Planning ahead by bringing your own reusable bags (for produce, dried bulk goods, check–out totes, etc.), napkins, utensils, coffee mugs, tumblers, straws, etc.
  • Making your own yogurt or bread, instead of buying packaged options.
  • Wrapping gifts in other gifts: a book wrapped within a scarf with a belt as a bow.
  • Avoid purchasing things you don’t really need or that do not serve an important purpose in your life. Surround yourself with meaningful and useful items, rather than just “stuff.”

Remembering to precycle is the first step in reducing waste, recyclable or not. Keep it in mind when shopping for groceries or gifts. And allow the reduction in waste to make space within your personal life, as well. Because reducing the waste coming and going from our home simplifies our life and reduces the clutter in our own minds as well.

“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”

—Edwin Way Teale

What About Recycling?

There are always naysayers that insist recycling is just as toxic to the environment as producing new materials. And they’re right. It requires energy and creates pollution. So it will always be second best to more sustainable options, like precycling.

Yes, you’ll still have some waste to deal with. Head over to Recycling Myths and Facts for details on proper recycling.

You’re cool right? Good. Because cool people don’t steal content or images without permission. Which is why I’m listing my source below.

Precycling: Recycling’s Quiet Unsung Cousin

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