Homemade Pomegranate Oil Recipes

Pomegranate Seeds Photo credit: Nordwood Themes on Unsplash

In this post we share homemade pomegranate seed oil recipes. The oil extracted from the seeds of pomegranates has broad health and beauty benefits discussed in that post. If you’re interested in learning about the pomegranate in greater detail, read this PDF on the Pomegranate Seed Oil Health and Beauty Benefits.

Pomegranates are gorgeous unique red fruits and one of the healthiest superfoods and have unrivaled benefits for health and beauty. As a “superfood” the pomegranate is packed with powerful phytonutrients that promote health and longevity. Pomegranates are known to have more antioxidants than red wine and green tea.

Throughout the Mediterranean, Iran, and India the pomegranate has a long tradition and legendary status as the “fruit of life”. “Vedas”, a historic Hindu philosophy text views pomegranate as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In China, pomegranate symbolism such as the bright red skin and tasty seeds are viewed as an indicator of passion, abundance happiness and fertility. Ancient Egyptians regarded the pomegranate as symbol of prosperity and fertility. They probably didn’t refer to the pomegranate as a “superfood” per se—but they were aware of its many health and beauty benefits.

The grapefruit–sized pomegranate is actually a berry. Inside the fruit are layers of spongy, bitter tissue, packed with small seeds. Not only are those seeds sweet and juicy—they’re filled with antioxidants and omega fatty acids. So what exactly are the nutrients that make pomegranates such a healthy option for skin, hair and body?

  • Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid, this vitamin provides antioxidant benefits and plays an important role in the health of skin, bone, and connective tissues.
  • Ellagic Acid: A small phytochemical (plant–based biologically active compound) with naturally occurring antioxidant properties.
  • Punicic Acid: Found predominantly in pomegranate seed oil, this fatty acid is rich in anti–inflammatory benefits.
  • Linoleic Acid: An essential omega–6 fatty acid that the body can’t manufacture on its own, linoleic acid is known to help promote immunity and fight off serious illnesses.
  • Oleic Acid: An omega–9 fatty acid, this is the second most abundant fatty acid found in adipose (fat) tissue.
  • Flavonoids: Phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that are responsible for the many health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids belong to the polyphenol group of antioxidants, which are often used in traditional healing practices.

The superfood that leads to super skin, don’t just drink pomegranate juice or snack on the seeds. Reap the full benefits of this superfood by adding pomegranate seed oil to your skincare routine. This supreme beauty face serum is a botanical blessing: nourishing and toning face and neck.

Supreme Beauty Face Serum Recipe

This age–defying elixir is an alchemic combination of nature’s transformative remedies. A fusion of argan and pomegranate seed oils deeply penetrates the face and neck to reveal the supreme natural beauty of your skin. Every drop of this supreme beauty face serum harnesses the healing potential of argan and pomegranate seed oils to refresh and restore the skin. Jasmine, geranium and frankincense essential oils add a delicate essence that penetrates the skin for profound nourishment and hydration. Ultimately forming a powerful matrix that works to firm, lift, and soften wrinkles.

  • 1 Tbsp. pomegranate seed oil
  • 1 Tbsp. argan oil
  • 5 drops jasmine essential oil
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil
  • 5 drops frankincense essential oil
  • A small dark glass bottle with a tight–fitting cap (preferably with an eyedropper)
  1. Add argan and pomegranate seed oils to a bowl.
  2. Mix in essential oils.
  3. Whisk together all the ingredients until well combined.
  4. Transfer the oil blend into a small dark glass bottle with a tight–fitting cap for storage.
How to Use

Shake the bottle gently and use the eyedropper (or clean fingertips) to apply 4–6 drops of the oil blend on the face and neck. For best results, use this oil blend on a daily basis.

Pomegranate Seed Oil for Healthy Skin Photo credit: iStockphoto
Homemade Oil Blend for Skin Health Photo credit: Mathilde Tangevin on Unsplash

Homemade Daily Skin Care Recipe

Pomegranate seed oil is a legendary remedy for treating skin issues and bringing back your natural beauty. In addition, it is an organic way to inculcate an abundance of health benefits. These homemade recipes are really easy, with just a few simple steps to follow. This blend of oils provides deep nourishment of the skin.

  • 1 Tbsp. pomegranate seed oil
  • 1–2 Tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 1 Tbsp. argan oil
  • A small dark glass bottle with a tight–fitting cap (preferably with an eyedropper)
  1. Add pomegranate seed oil to a bowl.
  2. Mix in sunflower and argan oils.
  3. Whisk together all the ingredients until well combined.
  4. Transfer the oil blend into a small dark glass bottle with a tight–fitting cap for storage.
How to Use

Shake the bottle gently and use the eyedropper (or clean fingertips) to apply 2–3 drops of the oil blend on the face. For best results, use this oil blend on a daily basis.

How to Make Pomegranate Seed Oil

What You Will Need
  • 1 oz. pomegranate seeds
  • 4 cups jojoba oil
  • Crockpot
  • Jar
  • Cheesecloth
  • Rubber band
  1. Add the jojoba oil to a crockpot.
  2. Stir in the pomegranate seeds. Set the crockpot to “low” and let cook for 6 hours.
  3. After 6 hours, turn crock pot off and let oil cool for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Lay cheesecloth over a clean jar large enough to contain the oil and secure with rubber band.
  5. Pour oil over cheesecloth to strain out the pomegranate seed solids.
  6. Let the oil settle in the jar.
  7. Store pomegranate seed oil in a glass (not plastic) container with a tight–fitting lid in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place away from sunlight.
  8. Oil should remain fresh for up to 6 months.

Note: After 6 months, check the oil for any change in appearance or a rancid smell. If the oil has changed, discard.

Pomegranate Seeds Photo credit: Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Pomegranate Seed Oil Extraction

Pomegranate oil is extracted from the seeds of the pomegranate fruit. The number of seeds in each pomegranate differs according to its size. It takes close to 80 pomegranates to harvest 1 kilogram of pomegranate seeds, and it takes 7 kilograms of seeds to produce 1 kilogram of pomegranate seed oil.

Pomegranate seed oil is extracted through a cold–pressing process. Extraction by this process is necessary to maintain the overall quality of the oil since cold–pressing preserves the enzymes, vitamins and nutrients. Before undergoing the final refinement, the extracted oil is light with a pale or golden yellow color.

Pomegranates Photo credit: Shraga Kopstein on Unsplash
Pomegranates Photo credit: Shraga Kopstein on Unsplash
How to Harvest the Seeds

Harvesting the seeds from a fresh pomegranate fruit can be a bit challenging but once you practice these skills, you will find it easy. Freezing the entire fruit also makes it easier to separate. Cutting and separating seeds from a pomegranate can be accomplished in either one of two ways:

Harvesting the Seeds Using a Spoon
  1. Cut the pomegranate in half around the middle without fully separating it.
  2. With the seeds facing down hold the fruit over a clean bowl larger than the fruit.
  3. Using a spoon (any spoon will work, but a wooden spoon is best) hit the back of the pomegranate so that the seeds start to fall out.
  4. Do this repeatedly until all the seeds have fallen out into the bowl.
  5. To separate the seeds from any residual pith attached to it, add water to the bowl.
  6. The seeds will sink and the pith will float.
  7. Remove the pith and strain the pomegranate seeds to remove the water.
  8. Reserve the remaining pomegranate seeds and store.
Harvesting the Seeds Using a Knife
  1. Using a sharp paring knife, remove the top bud (crown) of the pomegranate often referred to as the flower.
  2. Make 6 evenly spaced cuts on the skin of the fruit along the ridges from top to bottom.
  3. Don’t cut too deep to avoid piercing the seeds.
  4. Peel off the skin along the cuts.
  5. Separate the skin–free pomegranate fruit along the cut ridges.
  6. Take each piece and manually remove the seeds using your hands, transferring the seeds to a clean bowl.


Pomegranate seed oil is generally safe to use, it can even be used straight out of the bottle. Avoid use if you are allergic to pomegranates. Some people may still experience side effects after use. These side effects might include an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems, or inflamed or irritated skin, or possible pregnancy complications.

If nursing or pregnant, consult your physician prior to using pomegranate seed oil. Use essential oils with extreme caution on children, be sure that it is safe for use on children. Some brands clearly labels their essential oils “KidSafe” on the bottle if it can be used on children ages 2–10.

Pomegranate seed oil is known for its ability to help lower blood pressure. Avoid use if currently taking blood thinners or any high– blood pressure medication as this combination could cause your blood pressure to fall below normal levels.

Never ingest essential oils. Pomegranate seed oil should only be used for topical application. Do not apply pomegranate seed oil directly to broken or damaged skin. Do not apply directly to open wounds. Never use pomegranate seed oil in eyes or in mucous membranes. Pomegranate seed oil can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

When applying pomegranate seed oil topically (on your skin), always perform a 24–hour skin patch test first using 1–2 drops, read how for further details. Use only 100% authentic oils. Store in tightly–sealed dark glass containers; in a cool, dark place away from light. If you are interested in trying pomegranate seed oil, be sure to choose a product that is 100% pure and organic. Pomegranate seed oil can be found at most health food stores or online.

6 Beauty Benefits of POMEGRANATE SEED OIL
by Dr. Gabrielle Francis October 09, 2021
Pomegranate Seed Oil: 9 Amazing Benefits (plus, a DIY recipe)
Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil to the Skin and Health
by Bekind N., Feb 16, 2021
Pomegranate Seed Oil Benefits For Skin

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