How to Make a Homemade Eczema Cream

Homemade Eczema Cream

Eczema could be one of the most problematic skin conditions I have ever seen. It feels like your skin is burning. And you may find that many of the over-the-counter (OTC) remedies seldom work. And you may feel like there’s not much you can do to find relief. After our twins were born prematurely, and we needed to scrub up with harsh hospital cleansers before we could visit them in the NICU, the skin of my husband’s hands became inflamed and broke out into red, itchy lesions. To relieve the pain caused by eczema, I searched for the most efficacious OTC eczema cream. After much trial and error, I was dissatisfied with the results, so I decided to make my own homemade eczema cream.

However, if you have a very serious eczema problem, you should first consult your doctor for medical solutions. This homemade eczema cream recipe works best on mild to moderate cases to relieve the general pain and irritation caused by this skin disease. If you have eczema, your skin is probably inflamed and/or irritated. You could also develop an allergic reaction from eczema. This skin disease is common among infants. But it can also affect adults and children.

The pain and irritation of eczema can feel unbearable. But you can use this amazing natural and organic homemade eczema cream. In this recipe, you can concentrate the benefits of Shea butter, coconut oil, lavender essential oil, and tea tree essential oil. We all know that coconut oil makes for an amazing moisturizer. And in cases of eczema your skin needs moisture most of all. What’s more, the high Vitamin A content in Shea butter will help your skin cells regenerate. This regeneration will speed up the healing process of your skin.

These two essential oils will also amplify the moisturizing effects of the coconut oil and Shea butter. Let’s see what this amazing homemade eczema cream contains and how it is prepared.

Homemade Eczema Cream

How to Make a DIY Eczema Cream

  • 1/4 cup organic Shea butter
  • 1/4 cup natural organic coconut oil
  • 15 drops organic lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops organic tea tree essential oil
  1. Take a small pan and add some water to it.
  2. Place the pan on the stove.
  3. Heat the water at medium to high heat.
  4. Combine Shea butter and coconut oil in a bowl.
  5. Place this bowl on the pan to melt the butter and oil.
  6. After both ingredients have melted, add the lavender and tea tree essential oils to this mixture.
  7. Whisk all the ingredients until you obtain a homogenous mixture.
  8. Pour mixture into a clean reusable glass container with a lid.
  9. Place container in the fridge to firm up the creamy texture.

Note: You can also store the mixture in fridge. This is because coconut oil and Shea butter are liquid at room temperature.

You can start using your natural homemade eczema cream immediately. If you have very sensitive skin, you can skip the lavender essential oil in order to avoid further irritation. For the most part, this cream will not cause any allergic reaction nor have any adverse effects. But if you doctor has previously prescribed medicine, it is important to consult your doctor first before using this homemade eczema cream.

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Source and photo credits:
DIY Cosmetics

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