Homemade Eucalyptus Essential Oil Soothing Throat Spray

Sore Throat Photo courtesy: Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash
Sore Throat Photo courtesy: Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

It is getting to be winter, we are stuck inside with dry, heated and recycled air, and soon we or someone we know will end up with a dry throat. What natural remedy can you use for soothing it? We have experimented with variations of this homemade eucalyptus essential oil soothing throat spray.

Maintaining A Healthy Immune System

First and foremost, it is imperative to boost your immune system throughout the winter. There are many ways to do so but using our immune boosting recipe, taking fermented cod liver oil, supplementing with vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium, drinking bone broth and eating a nutrient–dense diet are of utmost importance.

However, sometimes your throat just becomes irritated, like on long flights or bus rides. We like to use this homemade eucalyptus essential oil soothing throat spray to ease a “scratchy” throat.

Spray Ingredients

This recipe uses a combination of cinnamon (cassia), clove (bud), lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils. This oil blend has many benefits that make it a great natural remedy for soothing a sore throat.

In our previous post on the health and beauty benefits of eucalyptus essential oil we expanded on that ingredient’s benefits in treating a variety of respiratory symptoms due to its high 1,8–cineole content, which is a natural decongestant and antiseptic—but the leaves of the eucalyptus tree themselves can offer similar benefits. Check out our post on the health and beauty benefits of eucalyptus leaves. Nearly all parts of the plant have medicinal benefit, including the leaves, bark and roots.

Eucalyptus Sore Throat Spray Photo courtesy: Nicolas Ladino Silva on Unsplash

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Soothing Throat Spray

  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 3 drops lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops clove (bud) essential oil (optional, for extra numbing power)
  • 3 drops cinnamon (cassia) essential oil (optional, for extra numbing power)
  • 3 drops peppermint essential oil (optional, but why not freshen your breath as well?)
  • Filtered or distilled water
  • 2 oz. glass bottle with a spray nozzle
  1. Mix salt and essential oils in the bottle.
  2. Add water and shake vigorously to combine well.
  3. Spray directly into your mouth at a close distance as needed.
  4. Shake well before each use.

Schools just opened back up all around the country, and this academic school year started just a couple of months ago. For us, that means we will need to start focusing even more on supporting our families’ healthy immune systems. This year we are going on the offensive. Besides using fermented foods (as a prebiotic) and our homemade “flu buster” Echinacea and elderberry syrup, we are adding this immunity boosting recipe to the mix. Using this powerful combination of essential oils, you can support your (and your family’s) immune systems.

Immune Boosting Essential Oil Recipe

  • 4 drops lemongrass essential oil
  • 2 drops thyme essential oil
  • 2 drops oregano essential oil
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil
  1. Top these essential oils with an edible carrier oil like coconut or olive.
  2. Add these oils to an empty veggie capsule.
  3. Take one capsule daily with a meal during the winter months.
Veggie Capsules
Photo courtesy: Amjd Rdwan on Unsplash

When taken as a dietary supplement, this blend is an ideal complement to a healthy wellness regimen.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This recipe is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before making and using any of these recipes, please read through our precautions when using essential oils.


The appropriate dose of eucalyptus essential oil for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important.

Eucalyptus essential oil can still cause side effects similar to other types of essential oils. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) some essential oils can be hazardous. Symptoms may include: skin rash, redness, irritation, burning and hives. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) states that eucalyptus essential oil is toxic for cats and dogs, and can cause symptoms like lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, increased salivation, and weakness. In some cases, exposure can even lead to kidney and liver damage. So exercise caution and consult your vet before spraying at home.


Eucalyptus essential oil might affect blood sugar levels. Monitor your blood sugar levels carefully if you have diabetes. The dose of your diabetes medication may need to be changed. It also might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using eucalyptus essential oil at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Topical use of eucalyptus essential oil may not safe for people with hypersensitive skin, or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding due to a lack of safety information. Eucalyptus essential oil may be used safely by pregnant or breastfeeding women strictly for aromatherapy in a diffuser, with a recommended dose of no more than 4 drops with a little water and only for 15 minutes at a time with very long breaks in between.

Use essential oils with extreme caution on children, do not use eucalyptus essential oil on children. It’s also important to note that children are at higher risk of toxicity. Seizures, difficulty breathing, a lowered level of consciousness, and even death have been reported. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, even a 3.5 milliliter dose can be fatal. Some brands clearly label their essential oils “KidSafe” on the bottle if it can be used on children ages 2–10.

Drug Interactions

Some medications, such as (Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) substrates), are changed and broken down by the liver. Eucalyptus essential oil might slow down this process increasing the side effects. If you are taking any medications that are changed by the liver, talk to your healthcare provider before using eucalyptus essential oil.

Finally, eucalyptus essential oil may interact with certain medications, such as those for diabetes, high cholesterol, acid reflux, and psychiatric disorders. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider before using it. If you are currently taking any medications or have any ongoing health issues, speak with your doctor before using eucalyptus essential oil.

Medications that might be affected include amitriptyline (Elavil), clozapine (Clozaril), codeine, desipramine s(Norpramin), donepezil (Aricept), fentanyl (Duragesic), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), olanzapine (Zyprexa), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), and trazodone (Desyrel).

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Sixth Edition, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC. Penguin Books
by Tamara Mannelly

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